Tuesday, January 1, 2019

5 Benefits Of Android TV Box

For one reason or the other, we are all hooked on to the internet. Some of us use it to stay in touch with our friends and family and some of us use it for our business. But between communication and business, almost all of us use it to entertain ourselves. And big corporations and production houses know this that is why we are seeing so many streaming services pop up. In fact, we believe that internet may soon be replacing cable TV in our homes and in some cases, it has already started to happen.

So, if you also wish to make internet your prime source of entertainment and are planning to replace your old flat screen TV with one of the new smart models, here’s why you should get an Android Smart TV Box instead.

1. Cheap & Affordable

Smart TVs are expensive and so is paying for the cable services. However, an Android Smart TV Box can be bought for the amount you pay for one month of cable TV services. And with all the features that even the cheapest of these TV boxes offer, it can never compare with any of the smart TV models available in the market.

2. Complete Productivity

Because Android Smart TV Boxes run a fully functional Android OS, they allow you to do everything from surfing the internet and watching videos to answering emails and creating documents. All you need to do is just connect a mouse and a keyboard and you have got yourself a fully functional productivity machine right in your TV lounge.

3. Unlimited Gaming

Another great benefit of these Android Smart TV Boxes is that they can substitute for a gaming console. While Android may be a mobile platform but it has some of the best gaming titles in all genres and many of these games also support higher resolutions that suit your TV perfectly. Also, many of these TV boxes support 3rd party game controllers to give you the complete console experience.

4. Complete Streaming Experience

Android has become such a popular OS that almost all streaming services have had their apps developed for the platform. This means that whether you prefer Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime or any other streaming service or may be all of them, you will have no issue getting it for your TV box to enjoy your favorite shows and movies.

5. The Portability

TV boxes are compact and small in size. They are also very lightweight. This makes them easy to take with you on your travels so you can enjoy your favorite entertainment no matter where you are staying.


TV boxes are great affordable alternative to expensive smart TVs and cable TV service. It has some great productivity features that allow you to work right from your TV lounge. It is also a cheap option that provides amazing gaming experience that can be compared to any console. Not to mention the unlimited streaming options it provides as well as the portability. To conclude, the features an android TV box offers in contrast to its price are incredible and is something that nobody should miss out on.



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